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Showing most liked content on 02/26/2018 in Posts

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    Read your original post. You're basically ripping the County because they "won't" build 116's a new station but they "offered" to build Hermosa Beach a new fire station and you added in an "SMH" as if to emphasize how ridiculous that is. I'm pointing out that you, as many people do, over simplify these situations. I'm passing on the fact that one has nothing to do with the other. The rumor about a property owner refusing to sell property to the County, yep, I heard that one too. Whether it is true or not, whether it would have resulted in a new station, an addition to the existing station or just a bigger parking lot, who knows? But it still doesn't have anything to do with the Hermosa annexation and/or FS100 renovation/rebuild. Speaking of Hermosa, yes the firefighter's union supported the merger with the County. But the citizens were "sold a bill of goods"? I'm not going to explain the whole history of how the annexation came about but in simple terms, you know not what you speak of.