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Posts posted by EMT_FS46

  1. In simple terms they are cheaper to buy. These units run the same as Los Angeles county fire paramedic squads. Don’t know if your familiar with the Los Angeles area but it works like this. On EMS calls with LA county fire and a few other depts. you get a engine ( bls ) a paramedic squad ( als ) and a private ambulance ( bls ) or a paramedic engine and private ambulance. The medics will determine if the patient is als or bls. If bls the medic will turn over the patient to the private ambulance emts and clear the call back in service for the next one.

  2. 9s has been and will always be the busiest station in the city and one of the busiest in the nation due to skid row. Until that area is cleaned up it is what it is. I was at 9s back in 2000 when it was a tradition taskfore with only rescue 9 and 809. Then they made the change spiting the light force. Engine 209 and truck 9 was fully staffed and ran alone. Rescue 809 became 209. Today you have Truck 9, Engine 9 and 209, and Rescue 9, 209,809, and 900 ( 2nd BLS rescue). You also have FR 9 ( fast response ) and when needed a 3rd fully staffed engine ( 400 series )

  3. The patrols are staffed by a single ff/emt. They respond as manpower. LACoFD has a mixture of 3 to 4 man engine companies. As far as what dictates rather the engine is a 3 man or 4 man I’m not sure 100 percent. I know one factor is with like the co tract cities and how much staffing they are willing to pay for. 

  4. Dozers are used for overhaul after a fire usually large commercial building, pallet yards, junk yards. Large single family homes etc. just depends on the need. LA City does the same.