
LACoFD Patrols Respones

2 posts in this topic


Hope I find you all well.


 If I may a quick question about stations that run patrols. I often hear patrols been sent as part of the response to runs such as medical runs etc ie: Engine Squad Patrol 107 difficulty breathing etc...

Couple of questions, do 2 of the engine crew stay on the engine and the third FF drives the patrol or are stations with patrols 4 FF engines?

Secondly do patrols respond with the engines all year round or just in high fire seasons? 


Many Thanks in advance.


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The patrols are staffed by a single ff/emt. They respond as manpower. LACoFD has a mixture of 3 to 4 man engine companies. As far as what dictates rather the engine is a 3 man or 4 man I’m not sure 100 percent. I know one factor is with like the co tract cities and how much staffing they are willing to pay for. 

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