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Everything posted by Casey

  1. Along with 1s and 20s as well.
  2. If I recall, I remember reading a few years ago, the pics are shot next to one of the buildings and in the background they had parts on pallets and such. Photoshop can be your best friend.
  3. LAFD Shop # 60828 on the Flickr site
  4. Former E127 is currently acting as E100, while Hermosa's rig gets repainted, that much is true. When it returns it will remain at 100s and former 127s rig will be reassigned elsewhere in the region, possibly as a first line company or as a reserve. It has not been decided yet. Also, with Foam 10 moving to 127s to make room for the squad, Foam 5127 (The Mack) will most likely be retired.
  5. Negative, 104s only has a Quint, and 150s has HMTF 150 and I believe BC22
  6. Posted today on Pierce's Flickr
  8. Same with 75s. E275 got the KME, while it was destined for 75s originally. I'm sure there are other houses like that.
  9. Surprised that this was not posted earlier. Chief Terrazas tweeted yesterday,that the LAFD has secured a FEMA grant of $15.4 Million, to restore 4 Engines next year. Unknown who will be reopened. Here is the link.
  10. New rig for Redondo Beach.
  11. Found this on Pierce's Flickr page.
  12. I believe that is new HM 129, to replace their current rig.
  13. Looks like new 39s may be back on track to being built.
  14. LAFD Valley Facebook page has video of the Groundbreaking ceremonies that took place this am.
  15. Found this little tidbit yesterday on Facebook. Los Angeles County Fire Department has awarded Boise Mobile Equipment (BME) and their partnering dealer Western Truck Exchange (WTE) six (6) Type-3 and Ten (10) Type-6 fire apparatus. Tag-on opportunities are available. Contact us at or call (800) 445-8342 to be connected with your area sales rep.
  16. Correct, From what was discussed after the fire, the new station is just around the corner from the old station.
  17. Just saw this link that ran in yesterday's paper.
  18. Will E-2 spell the end of E-201? seems I read a while back that the FD is rebuilding FS 2, in the Little Italy area. TIA, Casey
  19. I don't have exact dates either, but I shot this in the mid 80s at 88's during Fire Service Day activities. LAFD Heavy U 88 by LAFD42, on Flickr Btw, old Station 6 was not torn down, they built a new station on a different property to better serve their district.
  20. Could it be that the new Quint that was to go to 162s may be given to 116s due to their tight quarters as well and give now Q161 a hand me down (or new, if they have any in production) TDQ? Just thinking out loud.
  21. In Feb '11, SMA attended LAFD FF Glenn Allen's funeral with 2 new KMEs (E3 & E6).
  22. Do you mean to the empty lot on La Palma between the Elementary School and Western? Just Curious. Thanks
  23. Posted on Pierce's Flickr yesterday. 6th TDA ready for delivery Shop # 60802
  24. Came across this press release.
  25. Don't forget the Sutphen Trucks!