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Everything posted by RicardoBerg

  1. Interesting and I thought that the USAR tractors or Hazmat tractors were recently replaced. They sure resemble the TDA tractors with an extra box behind the tractor.
  2. Actually, I spoke with a firefighter who works for Long Beach Fire and he told me that they're opening up one engine on September the 1st and it's going to be Engine 8.
  3. What happened to 20's truck, did it go to another station? ??
  4. Maybe 50 received 11's ALF because I have seen 11's Truck in a reserve duplex for a long time.
  5. I know that the telesquirt that used to be numbered squirt 1 was disbanded.
  6. How many engines and truck companies were closed as a result of the budget cuts and have any of the closed companies reopened since then?
  7. Agreed so that the new station can accommodate more rigs and personnel. What is currently housed at 39's besides the task force and RA and the BC?
  8. Sadly it will take a major fire or something else such as a someone having a heart attack for these people to change their attitude.
  9. What happened to the original Patrol 76 go since it was mentioned just now that Patrol 149 became Patrol 76.
  10. I would support them having threads in these particular areas and it would be interesting to see the type of rigs that these department s have.
  11. I believe 89 is going to get the hand me down and the current USAR 89 will become a dedicated reserve USAR rig.
  12. So this will make San Diego Fire Rescue have 14 frontline Type 3's of their own plus the OES rig or will 2 of their type 3's go into reserve status?
  13. How many Type 3's does San Diego Fire Rescue have?
  14. LAFD tried out Quints during the latter part of the 90's and didn't like them.
  15. I thought that the grey ladder was interesting.
  16. Latest I heard is that the new truck needs warranty work done on it.
  17. Not yet, they're barely starting to arrive at the LAFD shops and are starting to be worked on before going out in the field so it will be a while before they are placed in service.
  18. LAFD aren't happy with their KME's at all and I am surprised that Alhambra decided to piggyback with Orange County instead of LA County Fire Department which seems to have the most number of KME's in their fleet in the United States.
  19. Hopefully all the aerials are TDA's since they are the most practical
  20. Actually I heard a rumor that there was talk of a third crash rig being placed in service at 114's.I can find out more about it when I go to the pancake breakfast at 114's in two weeks.
  21. Any specialized units in this budget?
  22. Just to give you a heads up, Engine 69 is back in service as of 5/14/16. The fourth L.A.F.D. company to go back in service since the hard closures of 2011.
  23. Also don't foget the Engine Companies that are still closed 50,74,92, and 96.
  24. Bring back TDA's to Phoenix Fire Department
  25. Nice and they sure resemble L.A. County's Wards who I believe had the largest number of Ward LaFrance Engines on the West Coast.