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Everything posted by mikesaccount

  1. What about any truck companies 58, 17, 47, 38
  2. Why aren't any of the truck's being restored?
  3. There going faster than the TDAs
  4. What the latest on what happening with them have any come back from the factory?
  5. I wonder how long this contract with Pierce is or is it by order's or years? Maybe for the next bid they should consider going with a different company
  6. Will we see them on the streets of LA this year?
  7. where are the station numbers put on at South Coast or LAFD shops
  8. Is the City Short of funds
  9. The city of Hermosa Beach has only one fire station I think it would make great sense for the county to take over. There would be more recourse's that the city doesn't have. I believe the city of San Fernando some time during the 1980s closed down there fire department and have contracted LAFD with no fire stations in the city limits of San Fernando and it's covered LA city station's 75 in Mission Hill to the west, 91 in Sylmar to the north and 98 in Pacoima to the south.
  10. Can some pictures of it be posted
  11. Has Truck 11s gone to the station yet
  12. I wouldn't be surprised if Seagrave in the coming years go the way of the Do do like American La France
  13. Have any of the Pierce Trucks arrived at the shops?
  14. Where is the parking at station 112 and Station 49
  15. Back in the 1950s when alot of these station were built building code did not have parking in mind.
  16. I know that alot of EMTs live far distances from the city and when they 3 24 hour shifts with 24 hours off between shifts if any firefighters owned RVs they could park them at the station and sleep in them so they didn't have to drive home and back the next day dose the department allow firefighters to leave there vehicles at the station when off duty or not.
  17. Have any arrived at the shops yet i've heard that 11s 2006 ALF is now at 50s
  18. Is the car wash by 9s still opened it looked closed last time i was by it.
  19. I was driving to Las Vegas back in May and I saw several semi trucks with fire engines and so single frame trucks on trailers going the opposite direction not sure what department they were for or what make. Do sometimes they are trucked out?
  20. People should stop complaining
  21. I think the city should just go ahead with it anyway
  22. I'm pretty sure that there alot of fire engines, ambulances and police passing by on Oxnard all the time with there sirens going
  23. Is the truck already there?
  24. Have any of the new trucks been asingned yet and in service?