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Everything posted by e5911

  1. I just read a article that stated a OES hazmat unit was going to Tracy Fire Dept. Does anyone know where the others are and how many of them are in the inventory? I assume they are suppose to be available statewide.... Anyone got a master list of assigned engines etc,I have one but its OLD
  2. Per a Facebook post , MCFPD will absorb the CCFD Vol fire Company #81 in Kyle Canyon along with all the equipment and facility.
  3. http://www.firechief.com/2016/03/17/tucson-fire-chief-proposes-4-7m-budget-cut/
  4. Source at YFD told me Engine 7 will replace what is now E15 quartered at Station 5 , Station 7 hopefully to be built soon somewhere near 81/2 E and the Walmart .Rural Metro has 6 stations around Yuma, they still transport for the city on request,
  5. County fire building a new station in needles, sta 32, off US 95 S of the 40.
  6. This may be old news, has PFD opened their new dispatch center and are they going to be quartered with E8?
  7. Likely replacing Engine 1, and Engine 6, one is older and the other was a reserve before Station 6 opened.
  8. What ever happened to the mid engine/highly balanced rear pump panel philosophy?
  9. Is Rio Verde a Rural Metro Contract community?
  10. Back in the day truck 18 was a Seagrave TDA at the old station at the convention center. The city had 2 also.
  11. It may be a west coast thing, I know guys working back east where station numbering is different and they talk about work at "Seven Truck" or "32 Engine". It kinda al depends where you worked, Calfire folks in some parts of the state have station names vs numbers, when I worked in redding, even though all stations had a number, guys would talk about when they were at "Palo Cedro" or "Burney", folks over the years have developed a shorthand when speaking to people they work with.
  12. not sure about the brand, the box I recall looks like Moudulance, the light is desgined to extend up for things like traffic accidents.
  13. Nothing changing for 90 days, then discussions will begin about consolidating operations.. There is nothing official about the fire end. The fact of the matter about Rural metro fire operations in places like Yuma is all outside Cities, or fire districts. Cities may choose to terminate their contracts, but as far as the county areas, there is n such thing as a county fire dept. in ARS, fire districts cannot have discontinuous boundaries(ie Islands) outside Maricopa county. In terms of jurisdictions, Rural metro operates in "no mans land". A city would have to annex, and could not do that immediately, a fire district formation is subject to a vote of the property holders, and existing districts could not just Annex properties outside their boundaries. As far as the contracts, that is another story, most if not all allow either side to terminate with some notice like 90 days to a year. More than likely if Envision wants nothing to do with fire protection, they likely would not change anything for about a year. Any sooner would subject Envision and or Rural to lawsuits that would hold up any merger.
  14. Blythe and RVC apparently are not getting along very well right now....
  15. Is NDF taking thier engine with them when they leave in July? What will happen to the volunteers?
  16. This will be interesting, MT C will be the only place with carreer and volunteer firefighters, to my knowedge
  17. Does anyone have the list of current station/ unit assignments for San Diego County? Looking for tha 4 digit IDs and thier associated stations.... Thanks
  18. the new fire stations map Thought 108 was going to be up north.... http://www.lasvegasnevada.gov/files/CLVFSMasterPlan22x34.pdf interesting about the Kyle canyon station "i". Can't tell if it is in the canyon or just off the turn off.
  19. Not sure but there is changes comming. Rural Fire District in south east San Diego County is suppose to vote to join the County fire Authority, but there is some resistance. Appraently, Julian did not choose to join and may have lost some money. The other thing I have herd was that some volunteers have been pushed out(rumor) and there isn't the satffing as promised. The east county fire fighters are having a hard time because they believe that the idea is to push them out in favor of paid staff. However they contend the paid staff isn't there.
  20. watching a news report I could have sworn I saw BLACK helmets on firefighters. Not a big deal, but its been a while since I saw Black Carnes Metros.
  21. Does anyone know the status of the Kyle Fire Station?. Hear CCFD is taking over from NDF
  22. CCFD building any new stations?