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Everything posted by e5911

  1. I dont think I posted this before Pierce PUC Yuma Engine 3
  2. New Colorado River Indian tribes Fire Station Down the road from La PAz Regional Hospital There used to be 2 stations one between PArker and Erenburg and one at Parker Airport, I believe the one at the airport closed.
  3. New CRIT Fire Engine 80
  4. I count 12 houses for Maricopa and Pinal however I have a few questions -does Stn 826 have any equipment? -how many BCs are there and where are they quartered -Is there any other equipment for the west valley except 2 engines and 2 water tenders -does west valley units go to the east valley and vice versa? I gathered all my info from the Rural metro website. if there is any corrections I appreciate letting me know.
  5. https://www.rigspot.com/apparatus-components/aerials-apparatus-components/2021/02/sutphen-enters-the-tractor-drawn-aerial-market/ I always thought a TDA Tower ladder would be cool
  6. Also I herd rumors about OES doubling or tripling the number of engines to 300, perhaps 100 engines of type 1, 3, and 6? My information is kind of old but came from a source at OES, BMEs contract was for 25 Aherns FOX type 6 contract was for 81 Granted some engines are going to be replaced, but with the Type 3 and Type 6 engines, they are defiantly expanding the fleet
  7. I was looking at the numbering, if I was guessing the ID match the (A) location or region and (B) ICS type and (C) number assigned OES 6320: Region 6 , Type 3 engine #20 assigned Anyone interested in getting a statewide list together , PM me
  8. My guess is they will make a drug deal with Falick or AMR for Call When needed ambulances, In Yuma Amr kicks back part of the bill to the city for getting to operate on the exclusive area. Like I said, there are lots of ways they can do it, as long as the regulating agency approves it.
  9. San diego has had a hybrid model since the the 80s or 90s with Harstons then Rural Metro then AMR Each jurisdiction has handled this issue uniquely, LACoFD for one, LAFD assumed service after issues in the late 70s FDNY merged health and Hospitals ambulance into the FDNY, some have argued as a Empire building exercise The fact is Calls for EMS have become 80% or so of the total responses and fire depts. and due to its deployment model can effectively respond in a reasonable amount of time. There are frankly as many EMS deployment systems(public, Private, Hybird) as there are communities.
  10. This must be the new OES "Super 6" Type 6
  11. Buckeye Valley Ambulance remount after accident
  12. Copper Canyon Brush engine from Fire Trucks Unlimited
  13. Interesting paint scheme.
  14. Phoenix FD Got this Type 3 model 34 from HME sept 2020 Are they moving away from type 6s?
  15. You sure that engine is not a Superior engine? Looks very similar to the Ex LVFD Engine 5 Superior was a company from Helena Montana that sold a few engines to Las Vegas
  16. Heard Metro talking to a "900" series ambulances...I know 800 units are BLS, Are 900 units BLS also?
  17. Gear has a lifespan due to changes in NFPA regs some years ago, I believe the new rule is 10 years on all PPE We changed helmets 2 times before I retired. I personally have a weight issue with the traditional style helmets . The First due helmet is by far the lightest headgear you can get. As a note it also used to be the LEAST expensive, but not anymore.
  18. The City may have required they split the total order
  19. I herd the City of LV plans to make further annexations to the north, Bonnie springs , or Mount Charleston…..?
  20. likely a MCI unit or something of that nature. We have a unit with 5 fully stocked jump bags with 10 backboards and associated supplies for large patient Traffic Accidents. Not sure but the pic might be a dedicated dept transport for fighters or a MCI supply unit
  21. I asked on another forum and was told most Engine company parks are short on rangers and those that are there have let their Firefighter certs lapse. Don't know if this is true, but there are no more covered engines, they call mutual aid in from Boulder City, or other close departments? Two rescue units are in service with ALS, but no transports out of the park, AMR comes in.
  22. Does anyone know how many and where the Engine companies at Lake Mead NRA. NPS lists it as a "Engine Company Park" Do they respond to calls on I-11/US93 ? I assume they have ambulances also, NPS or Contract
  23. FYI LA CountyFire forums are back. http://www.lacountyfire.com/forums/index.php
  24. Does anyone know what is on the 1st and 2nd alarm brush assignments for the County ?
  25. LVFD was all red in the 60s-and 70s , by the 90 I believe they were running white and Gold. then they went red. The dice have been around as a part of the door logo since at least the 70s They were Seagrave customers , then ALF, then Superior , then and now Pierce and most recently Sparten