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Everything posted by NJtoAZ

  1. LA272 to FS 272 U274 becomes U277 E277 to FS 277
  2. Pierce Velocity engine has started construction.
  3. A couple more changes too with rescues on Northside. R36 full time to R52 R52 part time to R36 R45 part time to R49
  4. Demo will become LT184 and be wrapped.
  5. Phoenix FS 45 has been in a temporary station almost 30 yrs. Big or small, they all have it.
  6. E2 and E5 labeled for Yuma
  7. https://www.instagram.com/p/BvpQZTDF3d0/?igshid=15t2mg5yncemp
  8. Thank you
  9. Explain USR-A and USR-B please. Where did that unit numbering come from?
  10. Can get it military surplus