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About was2wuz

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  1. Never knew that, this makes complete sense. thanks
  2. So because 88s is 88s,they get first dibs on new USAR rigs? I can see why that would be the case, just curious as to how the flow down works.
  3. Wow, no kidding. The google van sees all Also, it's interesting to note the change of inventory between 2011 and 2016: 2016 2011
  4. Wow you could PIT a semi with that bullbar
  5. Yea I imagine it would only be effective for a short distance. Oh well
  6. WOW, full length front facing LED bar?! That thing is huge!
  7. Ah ok. Makes perfect sense. Thank you
  8. Can someone help me understand the difference between these SCBAs? Thanks!